Tuesday, August 07, 2007

...a virtue...

gunner’s perch and it is wet all over outside
breath like heavy handed punches expel and contract in such a quiet way
he cannot tell that he his actively keeping them so

one can make a case for the oddest of things he thinks
like murder
or lunch

blackbirds like fools gather and peck at whatever it is that blackbirds peck at foolishly
he does not like them
though there is not much not to like
patience is the friend of killers
and rich men inside of young women
young women who peck

still life lived now for days
waiting for shot

when it comes it will be the one quick thing he has done in some time
and he will slink away
through the moist
and leave his thoughts
the blackbirds
and one dead rich man

-arf 07


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